Unwrapping the Striped History of Fruit Stripe Gum
In the world of chewing gum, one gum stands out with colorful packaging and distinct zebra-stripe design – Fruit Stripe Gum. As a timeless treat that has delighted taste buds for decades, the journey of Fruit Stripe Gum is woven with a rich history, ingenious marketing strategies, and a unique connection to nostalgia. After decades, Fruit Stripe Gum has been discontinued by candy maker Ferrara Candy Company. Unbeknownst to consumers, they quietly halted production back in 2022. The decision comes amid a years-long decline in gum chewing. Gum sales are down by one-third since 2018, according to the Atlantic Magazine, which also declares that the candy is “just not cool anymore.”

The Origins of Fruit Stripe Gum
The flavorful tale of Fruit Stripe Gum begins in the 1960s. The Beech-Nut company introduced this uniquely striped confection to the market. The original five fruit flavors – cherry, orange, lemon, lime, and mixed fruit. Each flavor encapsulated in a single stick of gum, each stripe boasting a burst of fruity goodness. The whimsical zebra mascot, Yipes the Zebra is synonymous with the brand, made its debut. Thus marking the beginning of a memorable journey into the hearts of gum enthusiasts.
Farley’s & Sathers Candy Company acquired the Fruit Stripe brand name during 2003 from The Hershey Company. In 2012, Farley’s and Sathers merged with Ferrara Pan to form the Ferrara Candy Company.
Packaging That Pops
Fruit Stripe Gum’s success attributes, in part, to its ingenious marketing strategies that capture the essence of fun and vibrancy. The use of vibrant colors and bold packaging designs set Fruit Stripe Gum apart from its competitors. Therefore it makes it’s packaging instantly recognizable on store shelves. The active voice of its advertising campaigns add a dynamic edge, enticing consumers with the promise of a flavor explosion.
The 1980s saw the emergence of Fruit Stripe Gum as a pop culture phenomenon. The brand’s commercials featured catchy jingles, energetic visuals, and the zany antics of the iconic zebra mascot. This not only showcased the product’s playful nature but also established an emotional connection with consumers. The gum’s unique selling point – the brief yet intense burst of fruity flavors – was the emphasis in these campaigns. Therefore it creates an allure that resonated with a diverse audience.

Cobranding Ventures: Stripes + WWF
In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, cobranding is a strategic avenue for companies to enhance their brand visibility and appeal. Thus Fruit Stripe Gum, recognizing the potential of such collaborations, engages in several cobranding ventures that further propelled its popularity.
One notable example of cobranding was Fruit Stripe Gum’s collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund. In 1996, Fruit Stripe gave five cents from the sale of each Jumbo Pack and Variety Multipack to the World Wildlife Fund, totaling about $100,000, for the preservation of endangered animals and their habitats.

Branding Color Brilliance
The enduring success of Fruit Stripe Gum is due to its consistent branding that has stood the test of time.
The zebra mascot, later named Yipes has outlasts the other characters to become Fruit Stripe’s sole mascot. The advertising slogan “Yipes! Stripes!” has often been used with this character. Wrappers contain temporary tattoos of Yipes inline skating, skateboarding, playing baseball, hang gliding, playing basketball, bicycling, snowboarding, surfing, playing soccer, playing tennis, and eating grass. In 1988, Yipes was made into a promotional bendy figure. The zebra mascot, synonymous with the brand, has become an iconic symbol of playful enjoyment. The use of bold colors and distinctive packaging remains a hallmark of Fruit Stripe Gum. Thus this creates a visual identity that transcends generations.
The brand’s commitment to delivering a burst of flavor in every chew also plays a crucial role in maintaining consumer trust. Staying true to its core promise, Fruit Stripe Gum establishes itself as a reliable product in the minds of consumers. This unwavering commitment to quality contributes to the gum’s longevity in the gum candy market.

Nostalgia Marketing: Stripes in the Heart
As time marches forward, Fruit Stripe Gum finds itself slowly surviving through the power of nostalgia marketing. Until recently of course. Nostalgia, a sentimental longing for the past, became a key driver in consumer sales.
Nostalgia marketing taps into the shared experiences and memories that bind individuals to a product or brand. By leveraging these emotional connections, businesses can create lasting impressions that transcend the transactional nature of commerce.